Oral Health Tips for a Healthy Mouth When You’re Stressed

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Stress can make life difficult. Unfortunately, it can even take a toll on your body, making you sick, weak, and tired. It can also severely affect your mouth, which is why our dentist, Dr. Debora Bolton, encourages you to take good care of your smile when you’re stressed. If you’re not careful, the stress can promote teeth grinding habits, canker sores, jaw pain, and even gum disease. So, to help you take care of your mouth when you’re stressed, our dental team has some recommendations for you.

First, get physical. This doesn’t mean you should go punch someone in the face. It means you should relieve your stress through exercise. You can do so by going to the gym, going on a run, or doing yoga. You could even get a massage or use physical therapy treatments and techniques.

Second, have a balanced diet and get plenty of rest. Do your best to eat at least three healthy meals a day. This can give your body the fuel it needs to deal with the stress. This is important if stress makes you lose your appetite. If you’re a stress eater, make sure to have those healthy meals and only snack on tooth-healthy foods, like apples, celery, and dairy products. When it comes to resting, make sure to get plenty of sleep at night. If necessary, catch up on sleep by taking a nap during the day. Sleep can help you relax. You can also try meditation to ease your mind and help you further relax.

Third, share your feelings. Sometimes sharing your feelings with a peer can take that heavy weight that the stress is causing off your shoulders. Who knows, your peer might even have some advice to help you solve the problem.

Call Bull City Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, Debora Bolton DDS today at 919-381-5900 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you have a top-notch smile and oral health in Durham, North Carolina. We look forward to your phone call!